Monday, April 20, 2015

Emotional Rollercoaster

Only DMD moms understand the amazing joy and sorrow of celebrating Joses 16th birthday! We enjoyed kids, cake and ice cream, carne asada dinner and breakfast! 

Gods provision starting to build on the new land! God holds the future! Jeremiah 29 11

Sadly Domi has had one of her legs removed due to infection. On top of the fact that she has spina bifida and lives in complete proverty. Has been hospitilized for another infection a week before this photo. Praising God a family stepped in to provide diapers for her and the baby! Please pray her little sister can go back to junior high! 

Blessed to be a blessing!Linda filled up the truck with toys for Chrildrens Day and a ice chest to put the food in to keep warm for the trash dump and honestly have not even opened the other bags of blessings! 
 Jose got to know his half brothers for a few years at Mefiboset! Javier went to heaven at age 16 after battling pneumonia and Feliciano  days later at age 14! Jose almost 4 years later seems to be healthier than ever! Although as a reminder on my facebook this month many reminders like today! God has deteremind our days on this earth and then we will be with Him!

The blessing of pajamas for our babies and kids around town. Living in a desert it gets cold at night and many use them as clothes during the cold days! These will be our presents for kids day April 30. 

Trying to encourage the parents that school is important but if one childs school supplies cost a week salary. How can we not help When we start sewing classes they will learn to make uniforms for their own kids and to sale at a low price because they need two uniforms at 1 week salary each!

Pancho was recovering and living with us as such a blessing always willing to cook and help out around here. However sadly he went to work in the fields and has not been back. His belongings are still here. Please pray he is not drinking again and he is safe. 

We praise God that the Camalu dump now only has 4 people living there and only 2 of them are from the original 14 that lived there when we started 3 years ago. Please pray for these men and especially the men in VG when we started no one was allowed to live there but now there is a whole town! Sadly there is a lot of trash because the economy level of Vicente Guerrero is much higher than Camalu. 

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